Planning for the Summit is being underwritten with a grant from the Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust
Our 2024 Sponsors
INterested in being a 2024 sponsor?
Contact: Neil Hamilton - neil.hamilton@drake.edu
Nature’s Heroes - $5,000 or more
Nature's Guardian's - $2,500 or more
Fred & Charlotte Hubbell

Bob & Kay Riley
Nature's Defenders - $1,000 or more
IIHR - Hydroscience & Engineering and Iowa Flood Center - University of Iowa
Greg Beisker
Liz Garst
Tom Rosburg – Botanical and Ecological Consulting

Amy Anderson & Mark Hill
Friends of Nature - $500 or more
Carole & Duke Reichardt
Center for Prairie Studies - Grinnell College
Climate Land Leaders
Iowa Conservation Alliance
Iowa Farmers Union
Iowa Nut Growers
Iowa Prairie Network
Iowa Woodland Owners Association
Jan & Tom Lovell
Julie Ghrist
Lori Howe
Paul Morf - Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman PLC
Peter Brown & Lisa Holderness Brown
Raccoon River Watershed Association
Sierra Club
Sustainable Iowa Land Trust
Terri & Gregg Grupp
Trees Forever
Trout Unlimited
White Oak Realty
We are lucky to be supported by so many amazing organizations!